How Often Should You See the Dentist?

Regular dental check-ups play a critical role in maintaining your health. They help prevent infections from spreading, keep your teeth white, minimize the amount of dental work you might need, and keep your gums disease-free. But how often do you need to see the dentist?

The standard recommendation for visiting your dentist is every six months. However, the every-six-months rule may not work for everyone. You may have to see the dentist more often if you’re at higher risk of dental problems.

People with good dental health usually attend dental check-ups only once every 12 to 24 months. Several factors determine how often an individual can visit the dentist, including the following:

  1. At-Risk Patients

Some individuals are more susceptible to periodontal disease or cavities. With regular checkups, the dentist will be able to detect problems early and treat them before they cause further complications.

If you find yourself in any of the following categories, you should consider visiting your dentist at least three times a year:

  • Pregnant women – The American Pregnancy Association advise pregnant women to see the dentist more often as pregnancy hormones may cause dental problems such as gingivitis (gum inflammation), teeth sensitivity, and increased tooth decay. In severe cases, increased oral infection as a result of pregnancy may lead to preterm labor. Therefore, it’s important to talk to your dentists whenever you experience any issues with your dental health.


  • Cancer patients – If you’re undergoing cancer treatment, it’s advisable to see your dentist often to check for specific issues. Cancer patients typically struggle with oral health problems such as infections and dry mouth. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial research, you should speak to your dentist if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer before commencing your chemotherapy.


  • Smokers – Tobacco will generally increase your risk factor, leading to the development of severe periodontitis and tooth decay. This can be attributed to particular substances found in cigarettes and the dryness in your mouth as a result of smoking.


You should realize that when your mouth is quite dry, the bacteria lurking around your teeth are not adequately cleaned. Your dentist will advise you on various ways to maintain your dental health. But it’s important to quit smoking altogether.


  • Cardiovascular disease – Research shows there’s a close link between your dental health and your heart. So, you should see your dentist often to minimize your risk of heart attack or stroke. Inflamed gums are the primary cause of harmful bacteria to get into your bloodstream, wreaking havoc in other body organs.


  • Diabetes – If you are diabetic, you are more susceptible to fungal infections, periodontitis, and other dental infections. Surgical wounds in the mouth may also take longer to heal in people with diabetes. Seeing your dentist often can help you prevent dental problems associated with diabetes.

You may need to see the dentist often if you have pre-existing gum disease, if you usually accumulate plaque quickly, if you suffer from cavities, or if you have a weak immune system which makes you vulnerable to bacterial infections.

  1. Age

Age can also affect how often you visit your dentist. Even if your teeth and gums are as healthy as those of a child, dental issues can develop as you get older, requiring more frequent visits to the dentist. That means that, generally, older people visit their dentist more frequently than children.

  1. Dentist’s advice

People are different and may require varying levels of dental care. Your dentist is in the best position to advise you on how often you should have checkups or treatments. If you have several successive visits without showing signs of cavities or other dental issues, your dentist might suggest a longer period between checkups.

Remember, these factors are about routine dental checkups only. You may have to visit your dentist for other dental treatments such as teeth cleaning, fillings, tooth extraction, or emergency treatment.

If you experience any dental problems between checkups, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist to schedule an earlier appointment. Waiting longer may worsen the situation.


If you want to enjoy good dental health that is free from serious dental issues, you have to see the dentist on a regular basis for checkups. It’s recommended that you visit your dentist every six months to achieve and uphold good oral health. It also ensures that dental problems are detected before they can progress into something more serious.

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